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We ship to almost every country in the world and have customers in over 40 countries. All products in our shop are shipped from our workshop & warehouse in Germany.
Shipping costs & handling
We offer international shipping to almost any country. With every order we make sure your package is carefully and safely packed. To calculate shipping costs, just add the items to your cart and select your country from the list to get a shipping price at the checkout. We work with various parcel services and shipping costs as well as delivery time can vary depending on quantity, size and destination. The table below will provide a first orientation and overview. All orders will be processed as soon as possible, typically within 48hours. With each order you will also receive a confirmation email along with your shipping number for tracking purposes.
Country | Shipping | Delivery |
USA & Canada | from 18€ | 5-7 days |
Germany | from 5€ | 1-3 days |
European Union | from 15€ | 2-5 days |
Rest of Europe (non EU) | from 29€ | 2-5 days |
Australia / New Zealand | from 29€ | 7-10 days |
Asia | from 25€ | 7-10 days |
Russia | from 29€ | 5-7 days |
Emirates | from 29€ | 5-7 days |
Other countries | on request | on request |
We insure each purchase during time in transit until it is delivered to you. Orders may require signature upon delivery, at which point responsibility for the shipment passes to you. If you have specified a recipient other than yourself for delivery purposes, you also accept that signature by the third party is sufficient proof of delivery and fulfillment by our shop.
Payment methods
We offer secure payment via Stripe. You can select one of the following payment methods such as Credit Card: MasterCard / VISA / America Express or SEPA Direct Debit as well as SOFORT bank transfers for specific countries.
Customs & Import taxes
Please note that orders outside the European Union may be exposed to extra charges such as import duty and local taxes that have to be covered by the customer. Please inform yourself ahead at your local customs office about country-specific import charges. Every country has different regulations on how they handle imported goods.